Pool Filter Cleaning in Farmers Branch, TX | Verified Local Pros

Pool Filter Cleaning Companies in Farmers Branch

Tropic Island Pools, Farmers Branch

Tropic Island Pools can address all your swimming pool needs. The company specializes in new pool construction, remodeling, equipment repair & installation, one-time cleaning and weekly cleaning maintenance programs. The company offers products to meet custome ....

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Pool Filter Cleaning in Farmers Branch

Keeping your pool beautiful and healthy requires filtering the water. Water filters, like any filter, get clogged and need cleaning. Pool filter cleaning will need to be done. You can do this yourself or you can include it in part of your pool cleaning service.


Why do I need a clean pool filter?

The purpose of a pool filter is to clean your pool water by capturing debris and contaminates in the filter. Filters keep your pool water cleaner and healthier. Clean filtered water make your pool more beautiful.

Cleaning your pool filter will ensure that the pool water does not contain debris or other contaminates. Pool filter cleaning also helps lengthen the life of your pool pump motor.


How often do pool filters need cleaning?

Pool filters vary; the amount of time between cleaning will depend on the type of pool filter you have, the amount of use your pool has had, and the amount of debris that has been deposited in the pool.

Pool filters should be cleaned no less than once every three months; but pool filter cleaning should be done as needed.

Of course you want to check your filters regularly because a clogged filter is a slow filter is dirty water in the pool.

A good rule of thumb is to check your filters every week. You can include pool filter checking and cleaning in your pool cleaning service, or you can check and clean the filters yourself.


There are three main types of pool filter

And each of them has their own cleaning method.

The Cartridge Filter

  • The cartridge filter is made up of folds of fiber, similar to an A/C filter. These filters are fairly easy to clean, but there are a lot of steps and you will need the proper equipment.
  • Remove the filter from the pump and filter housing (after cutting the power to the system).
  • Inspect the filter for damage or wear. If the filter is torn or otherwise damaged, replace it.
  • Spray the filter with a steady stream from your garden hose. Be sure to get into each fold or flap. If the filter is really dirty, you can soak it overnight in a five-gallon bucket. You can use a filter cleaning chemical to help clean off the gook and grime.
  • Rinse thoroughly.
  • Return cartridge to the filter housing.
  • Restart the pump.


The sand filter

  • Cleaning the sand pool filter is an easy job.
  • Simply backwash the filter for three to five minutes until it is clean.
  • Turn off the pump and turn the valve to Filter.
  • Remove the pump’s strainer lid.
  • Pour sand filter cleaner into the strainer basket and replace the lid.
  • Turn the pump on for about 15 seconds, just long enough to transfer the cleaner from the pump to the filter.
  • Turn off the pump, and leave it off for at least 8 hours, or overnight.
  • Backwash the filter for 3 to 5 minutes again to remove dirt and debris dislodged by the filter cleaner.
  • Turn the filter system back on.


The DE filter

  • The DE filter is the most complex pool filter to clean because you have to replace the DE powder each time.
  • Backwash the filter for 3 to 5 minutes to remove debris.
  • Turn the pump off.
  • Open the air relief valve.
  • Remove the drain plug and let the water drain out of the filter tank.
  • Open the filter tank.
  • Remove the filter manifold and take out all the grids.
  • Rinse out the tank with the garden hose.
  • Clean the manifold with a spray stream from the garden hose.
  • Rinse the filter grids, flushing out all debris, including the D.E. powder.
  • Place the grids back into the filter tank.
  • Add D.E. powder to the filter following the owner’s manual instructions.
  • Run the pool pump for at least 30 minutes to allow the D.E. to distribute evenly over the filter grids.


Common Pool Filter Cleaning Questions from Farmers Branch Pool Owners

What if I don’t have time to clean the filter?

It does take time to clean any filter system. Hiring a pool cleaning service will save you that time.

What happens if I don’t clean the filters?

Pool filters are necessary to keep dirt, grime, debris and contamination out of your pool water. If you do not clean the filters, your pool water will become murky. Many areas have regulations about pool water filtration and not cleaning the filters may put you in violation. If you don’t want to clean your filters, hire a professional pool cleaning team to do it for you.


Our Pool Filter Cleaning Companies in Farmers Branch in the city Farmers Branch provide services to the following Zip code(s) 75234

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