Concrete - Driveways, Sidewalks & Patios In Farmers Branch, TX | Verified Local Pros

Concrete - Driveways, Sidewalks & Patios In Farmers Branch

JRC Associates - Concrete, Farmers Branch

JRC Associates offers complete concrete services for residential and commercial customers, including driveways, outdoor patios and walkways. The company installs stamped, stained, color and regular concrete.

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Contact the Concrete - Driveways, Sidewalks & Patios in Farmers Branch today to address your home project needs. Also, take a look at the reviews for our Concrete - Driveways, Sidewalks & Patios  in Farmers Branch.

Concrete - Driveways, Sidewalks & Patios in Farmers Branch have been evaluated based on 3rd party Surveys conducted by Verified Local Pros

Choosing Concrete for your Driveway, Patio and Sidewalk In Farmers Branch


Concrete has been a staple for driveways, sidewalks, and patios for decades. But today’s concrete offers so many more features than the old cement slabs of past generations.

Why choose concrete for all your paving needs?


Cost and Durability in Farmers Branch

Concrete is the most cost-effective choice for most homeowners. Homeowners in the coldest climates will have to do some extra work to prevent the cracks that come from freezing and thawing ground. In the American South, however, concrete is a winner for your wallet, both now and in the future.

Installation costs for concrete drives, sidewalks, and patios ranks are super competitive, and the long-term maintenance costs more than makeup for any difference. Gravel, for instance, is cheaper to install but requires refills and replacements every couple of years, or even after a long rainy season.

Concrete is strong and durable. It outlasts nearly any man-made material, including asphalt and iron. Concrete bunkers, built in the 1950s, are still standing today—a testimonial to the longevity of concrete.


Style and Design in Farmers Branch

Colored, Stained, Stamped

Think concrete is only available in stone grey? Think again.

Colored concrete: The choices for colored concrete are limited only by the type of installation you desire and the reaches of your imagination.

Integral color (where the color is mixed into the pre-poured concrete) is an option only for new installations. The color choices are vast. Check with your concrete installation service for their available colors. Like paint, you can choose from ready-mixed colors or you can choose custom color blending.

Existing concrete can be dyed or stained.

Stained concrete: Staining concrete can give it the look of wood, granite, or leather; stains come in several colors, from sepia to sky blue.

Concrete of any age can be stained and can be done by the homeowner or by the professional concrete installation service.

Staining concrete is permanent, and the color doesn’t fade over time. Staining does not change the composition of the concrete.

Dyed concrete: Concrete dyes come in bright vibrant colors not available with stains, colors such as red, orange, blue, and purple. Some homeowners choose dyed concrete because they can create images, like a painting. Dyes do tend to fade over time, so the color is not as long lasting as stain.

Stamped concrete: Want the look of wood with the durability of concrete? You got it. Stamped concrete can take on the look of stone, wood, tile, brick, or just about any texture.

Stamped concrete is more expensive on installation than plan flat concrete, but the aesthetic benefits may be worth it—and stamped concrete significantly increases the resale value. Like integral color, stamping can only be done on the initial installation.

Homeowners can combine staining, dying, and stamping to create a beautiful welcoming driveway, a luxurious-looking patio, and a pleasing sidewalk. Concrete is for life.

Concrete is durable and long lasting.

Consider the difference between wooden decking or concrete for a patio. wood can be painted, but it still looks like wood. Concrete can be stained and stamped to look like flagstone, brick, or tile (or, yeah, even wood). Wood requires weather resistance treatments, like staining and water repellent; concrete requires none of that. Wood rots, concrete doesn’t. If you have a choice between a installing concrete patio or a wooden one, well, concrete is for life.

Our Concrete - Driveways, Sidewalks & Patios In Farmers Branch in the city Farmers Branch provide services to the following Zip code(s) 75234

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