FAQ | Verified Local Pros


Our company, Verified Local Pros, is an independent research firm that reviews and evaluates the performance of home service provides in over 40 company categories such as plumbers, electricians, roofers and painters. We conduct customer satisfaction research by contacting thousands of customers with direct provider experience. Our goal is to provide unbiased, third-party ratings to assist consumers in identifying top quality local companies.
Companies cannot buy their way into Verified Local Pros – they cannot buy good ratings. The only way a company can be a part of Verified Local Pros is by having many good reviews and satisfied customers. Once a company has earned the Verified Local Pros certification, it is invited to be part of our annual guide publication, our online website and smartphone app.
Yes. All companies featured by Verified Local Pros are independent contractors and establish their own business policies, pricing and schedule. Each company has earned the Verified Local Pros certification.
On an annual basis, we grade local home service companies on important service parameters: quality of work, expertise, customer service, cleanliness and punctuality. Our research team gathers core data from customer satisfaction reviews. From the reviews, we calculate a company score. Only companies at 90% or above are invited to be a part of Verified Local Pros.Each year companies must requalify.
Only the Verified Local Pros research team. Each company rating is based completely on our internal verification methodology. We do not utilize or except external reviews, ratings, or reference letters.
We will be publishing Verified Local Pros in additional markets. Please send us market and home service company suggestions.
There is no cost for consumers to use the Verified Local Pros Guide. We can mail you a published guide, you can use our website or smartphone app to find contractors.
Once a company qualifies (based on our research) for Verified Local Pros, the company is invited to participate in our guide publication. Companies that decide to participate pay a listing fee. This fee allows us to distribute our guide at no charge to homeowners.
No, individual names are not revealed without your permission. Your comments may be displayed.
Absolutely. If a research team member contacts you, please provide company feedback. Consumer satisfaction survey input is key to our scoring methodology.

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