Texas Energy Concepts Replacement Windows Reviews - Dallas - Verified Local Pros

Texas Energy Concepts Replacement Windows

Texas Energy Concepts offers window and door replacement. They special in the following products: Weather Barr, Alside, Simonton, Burris & Resdoor. Texas Energy Concepts offers a lifetime "no-nonsense" workmanship warranty and a manufacturer backed lifetime warranty on all products.

(972) 833-0533

Texas Energy Concepts

Services of Texas Energy Concepts Replacement Windows:

Texas Energy Concepts offers window and door replacement. They special in the following products: Weather Barr, Alside, Simonton, Burris & Resdoor. 


Services Not Offered  of Texas Energy Concepts Replacement Windows:

Texas Energy Concepts does not repair windows, foggy or cracked glass, or doors. 


Minimum Job  of Texas Energy Concepts Replacement Windows:

The company has a $2000 job minimum.


Warranty  of Texas Energy Concepts Replacement Windows:

Texas Energy Concepts offers a lifetime “no- nonsense” workmanship warranty and a manufacturer backed lifetime warranty on all products. 


Profile  of Texas Energy Concepts Replacement Windows:

Steve Drummond, Texas Energy Concepts President, started selling windows in 1996. Seeing a need for quality window replacement, Steve started Texas Energy Concepts in 2006 in the hopes of making a positive difference in the home improvement industry. Over two decades later, Steve still remains committed to excellent customer service and quality products with every job. 


Awards/Distinctions  of Texas Energy Concepts Replacement Windows:

4 year winner of Weather Barr Exceptional Customer Satisfaction Award for Texas , 13 years Better Business Bureau A+ accredited, Angie’s List, A-Rated for multiple consumer home service guides.


Highly recommend them for window replacement. Their technicians are obviously experts.

They're honest, intelligent, and they do a great job.

  • Verified Local Pros
  • Verified License(s)
  • Verified General Liability Ins
  • License: Not Required

Customer Surveys

Client Reviews

Compiled Score 

Recieved 4.8 out of 5 based on 20 customer surveys.
Dallas , Texas Dallas , Texas (972) 833-0533

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