
Texas Air Doctors

Military Service After returning from Vietnam in 1968, I (Frank Gossett) went to work for my Father who owned a Service Station in West Texas and attended South Plains College under the GI Bill. And "No" I did not know any of the famous musicians who attended there.

(817) 329-0334


Military Service After returning from Vietnam in 1968, I (Frank Gossett) went to work for my Father who owned a Service Station in West Texas and attended South Plains College under the GI Bill. And "No" I did not know any of the famous musicians who attended there. In 1969, we moved to Becky's home town, Oklahoma City, where I went to work for her cousins Air-Conditioning Company and attended school in the evening. When I got too smart for college, I went to work for Becky's Father, who was a Masonry Contractor and eventually Becky and I started our own Masonry Contracting Company. We relocated to Colleyville in 1985, because of the better business climate and we've been here ever since; although, the direction of our business has changed from masonry construction to Maintenance, Repair and Replacement of Residential Heating & Air Conditioning. As you'll notice there's always been a strong tradition of family throughout our life's work and it continues today in Texas Air Doctors where we share ownership with our two sons, Mike and Jeff. Texas Air Doctors will soon celebrate 25-Years of Honest, Ethical Service to our local friends and neighbors. We look forward to your call, so our family can service your family.

  • Verified Local Pros
  • Verified License(s)
  • Verified General Liability Ins
  • License: 1234567

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